IKAR NB 7-17


For optimization of physiological processes in plants - IKAR NB 7-17 – concentrated liquid boron fertilizer, fits for additional fertilizing of plants, which need more boron. Boron participates in various physiological processes in plants, has influence of growth and development of roots, activity of enzymes, synthesis of protein and carbohydrates, transportation of nutritive from leaves to roots, resistance of plant against diseases. Boron in plants is sessile, therefore, condition of plants is also determined by constant reception of this trace element. Lack of boron shows due to imbalance between boron and calcium, little quantity of organic substances in soil. In alkaline soils calcium suppresses absorption of boron. Draught, insufficient quantity of dampness, low temperature, big amount of fall over short time - factors causing lack of boron.
Boron is important:
• for activeness of enzymes, synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates, especially sucrose, ascorbic acid and in metabolism process of nucleic acids, stimulates synthesis of carbohydrates and flow from leaves to seeds and roots.
• for formation of pollen, germination, viability, maturation of seed fruits, mass and quality of the latter.
• for assimilation of phosphorus, calcium, which are responsible for strength of cell walls, resistance against diseases.
• for osmotic pressure in cells, transpiration.
• for growth and development of roots, including tubercle bacteria in leguminous plants.

**Density 20 C, g/ml 1.415
*pH 1:10 H2O 8.2-8.7
Nitrogen (N-NH2) 5%, 70g/l
Boron (B) 12%, 170g/l


IKAR NB 7-17 can be used in mixtures with many fertilizers and pesticides (insecticides, fungicides). Do not use with products containing copper, sulphates, mineral oils and alkaline products (pH> 8). Before mixing it is recommended to make a small amount of the mixture to check whether there is no sediment forming, it is also recommended to spray in a small area in order to check if there is no phytotoxic effect on plants.